Best Remedy for Dry Skin and Wrinkles - Beauty Fashion -->

 In this Post I will talk about a great

Skin moisturizer that you can make at home

This is a proven formula.

It was used for a long time

Chemistry which is its chemical composition

Similar to skin's own oil

The oil that comes on the skin is called sebum

Sibes glades make this oil and this

Remedy does not make the skin very oily

Gets absorbed well into the skin

It brings softness and healthy glow.

First let us understand the skin and our body.

It is the largest organ in the world and when something

If it is applied directly on the skin

Enters the body through the liver

Part of the body goes to the left and becomes very ugly.

It's about how people differ

types of chemicals lotions makeup and many more

apply things on skin without understanding

This scrubs the skin and sterilizes it.

increases due to which its sensitivity increases

It itches and turns red.

Becomes dry and the reason for this dryness

The skin receives a signal from it that more

Oil is needed to activate Sybase Glades.

go and start making more oil which

Causes clogged pores and acne

The risk of infection also increases in this

Because sterilizing is present on the skin

Friendly bacteria are eliminated which

First we are preventing this infection

These are protecting the skin

Number of good bacteria and bad bacteria

The bacteria that keep under control

They cause infection

It is very important to understand that any such

Toxic compound cannot be removed from any artificial

Do not apply chemicals on the skin because

On the other hand, these will harm the skin and

On the other hand, the pollution environment is still burning.

The sun is not even clean enough to bathe in.

UV rays are UV radiation directly

Damages skin cells and also

Diet is important, what do you eat?

If you drink too much trans fats in your food

Everything that cannot be eaten is part of the body.

Is made and directly affects the skin

Why do some people go on low fat diet?

Healthy fats are for healthy skin

It is very important because skin protein and

Consists of fat and often people who

Are dieting absolutely fat?

Eliminate even keto from diet

Even on diet, he is taking only protein.

Do not eat fats at all or those people who

eating only plant proteins

As Soy Protein Isolate Plant

Meet your protein intake from sources

Contains no animal protein at all

By eating these, wrinkles appear quickly on the skin.

Skin aging speeds up because

You are not getting enough collagen in this

Protein profile is incomplete

What is missing is very important for skin health.

It is necessary that wrinkles come soon and the old age comes.

Become visible and not just the skin

Hair also withers, overall aging speed

And if you are fond of eating junk food

Junk Foods Ultra Processed Foods These include

Artificial corn sugar is added

MSG is included which is called Chinese

Salt says synthetic corn starch

is included and then all these things

Eaten after deep frying in oil

Refined Cooking Oils Seed Oils

is used which is unstable

These oils penetrate into the cell membrane.

go and stay here for two-three years

Omega Si is Omega Th.

Fish oil is low in Omega 3 oils.

Flax Seed Oil Flax Seeds Chia Seeds

Oil Sesame Oil Walnut Oil Walnut Oil In

All oils are rich in Omegas.

is present in the market in comparison to

Cooking oils are available canola oil corn

Oil Sunflower Oil Safflower Oil Soy Oil

These are highly processed oils.

Due to processing they contain Omega

One less content processing

Solvent Hagen is added and then

Lots of moisturizing Omega Six

Also added to creams when you use them

If applied directly on skin

Due to this the skin gets damaged and dries quickly.

Wrinkles do happen and so does this.

Take care that the skin creams you use

If you are using alcohol in it then

Alcohol not present also dries the skin

Has been cooking for the last 100 years

Use of oils increased by 100% in 16 years

Their use has doubled in even 20 years

I would say that you should use oil for 30 days.

Go detox and try these for 30 days

Remove only these oils from food

To see if there are health benefits

The body changes so much and this is a short

Period of time is not more than one month

Now what is this thing that has to be applied on the skin?

This is beef, tello tello is a Latin word.

In the language it means sebum, sebum, that oil.

which our body produces on the skin

This oil comes from the sebaceous glands.

Comes and this fat does not oxidize the skin

Does not cause inflammation in it

Vitamin A is Vitamin D E's and Seal Seal

A. Retains moisture in the skin

Maintains moisture of skin and keeps it dry

Doesn't let it happen, it looks like coconut oil.

Same thing but different from coconut oil

It does not make the skin greasy and oily

Skin gets softness and healthy glow

comes and there are many such

Contains nutrients that help

To remove dark spots from the skin

Wrinkles that appear

It contains the type of fat that prevents

Saturated Fat Contains Oleic S at 50

Palmitate acid is a very good moisturizer

Stearic acid which softens the skin

which repairs the skin

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Best Remedy for Dry Skin and Wrinkles

 In this Post I will talk about a great

Skin moisturizer that you can make at home

This is a proven formula.

It was used for a long time

Chemistry which is its chemical composition

Similar to skin's own oil

The oil that comes on the skin is called sebum

Sibes glades make this oil and this

Remedy does not make the skin very oily

Gets absorbed well into the skin

It brings softness and healthy glow.

First let us understand the skin and our body.

It is the largest organ in the world and when something

If it is applied directly on the skin

Enters the body through the liver

Part of the body goes to the left and becomes very ugly.

It's about how people differ

types of chemicals lotions makeup and many more

apply things on skin without understanding

This scrubs the skin and sterilizes it.

increases due to which its sensitivity increases

It itches and turns red.

Becomes dry and the reason for this dryness

The skin receives a signal from it that more

Oil is needed to activate Sybase Glades.

go and start making more oil which

Causes clogged pores and acne

The risk of infection also increases in this

Because sterilizing is present on the skin

Friendly bacteria are eliminated which

First we are preventing this infection

These are protecting the skin

Number of good bacteria and bad bacteria

The bacteria that keep under control

They cause infection

It is very important to understand that any such

Toxic compound cannot be removed from any artificial

Do not apply chemicals on the skin because

On the other hand, these will harm the skin and

On the other hand, the pollution environment is still burning.

The sun is not even clean enough to bathe in.

UV rays are UV radiation directly

Damages skin cells and also

Diet is important, what do you eat?

If you drink too much trans fats in your food

Everything that cannot be eaten is part of the body.

Is made and directly affects the skin

Why do some people go on low fat diet?

Healthy fats are for healthy skin

It is very important because skin protein and

Consists of fat and often people who

Are dieting absolutely fat?

Eliminate even keto from diet

Even on diet, he is taking only protein.

Do not eat fats at all or those people who

eating only plant proteins

As Soy Protein Isolate Plant

Meet your protein intake from sources

Contains no animal protein at all

By eating these, wrinkles appear quickly on the skin.

Skin aging speeds up because

You are not getting enough collagen in this

Protein profile is incomplete

What is missing is very important for skin health.

It is necessary that wrinkles come soon and the old age comes.

Become visible and not just the skin

Hair also withers, overall aging speed

And if you are fond of eating junk food

Junk Foods Ultra Processed Foods These include

Artificial corn sugar is added

MSG is included which is called Chinese

Salt says synthetic corn starch

is included and then all these things

Eaten after deep frying in oil

Refined Cooking Oils Seed Oils

is used which is unstable

These oils penetrate into the cell membrane.

go and stay here for two-three years

Omega Si is Omega Th.

Fish oil is low in Omega 3 oils.

Flax Seed Oil Flax Seeds Chia Seeds

Oil Sesame Oil Walnut Oil Walnut Oil In

All oils are rich in Omegas.

is present in the market in comparison to

Cooking oils are available canola oil corn

Oil Sunflower Oil Safflower Oil Soy Oil

These are highly processed oils.

Due to processing they contain Omega

One less content processing

Solvent Hagen is added and then

Lots of moisturizing Omega Six

Also added to creams when you use them

If applied directly on skin

Due to this the skin gets damaged and dries quickly.

Wrinkles do happen and so does this.

Take care that the skin creams you use

If you are using alcohol in it then

Alcohol not present also dries the skin

Has been cooking for the last 100 years

Use of oils increased by 100% in 16 years

Their use has doubled in even 20 years

I would say that you should use oil for 30 days.

Go detox and try these for 30 days

Remove only these oils from food

To see if there are health benefits

The body changes so much and this is a short

Period of time is not more than one month

Now what is this thing that has to be applied on the skin?

This is beef, tello tello is a Latin word.

In the language it means sebum, sebum, that oil.

which our body produces on the skin

This oil comes from the sebaceous glands.

Comes and this fat does not oxidize the skin

Does not cause inflammation in it

Vitamin A is Vitamin D E's and Seal Seal

A. Retains moisture in the skin

Maintains moisture of skin and keeps it dry

Doesn't let it happen, it looks like coconut oil.

Same thing but different from coconut oil

It does not make the skin greasy and oily

Skin gets softness and healthy glow

comes and there are many such

Contains nutrients that help

To remove dark spots from the skin

Wrinkles that appear

It contains the type of fat that prevents

Saturated Fat Contains Oleic S at 50

Palmitate acid is a very good moisturizer

Stearic acid which softens the skin

which repairs the skin

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