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Do you know such food items which

Heart attack is found in almost every house

The risk increases from 20 to 35 and this

If sugar is not sugar then it is heart health anyway.

Too bad for this Omega Six

Fatty Acids Vegetable Oils Edible Oils Which

used for cooking in homes

It contains soy oil, corn oil and canola.

Oil Sunflower Oil Banole Oil Even

Mustard Oil Mustard Oil also contains Eros

Acid is found which prevents heart diseases.

This question is caused by the effect.

Omega 9 fatty acids in mustard oil

which our body needs

Doesn't it increase the level of estrogen?

which cause various diseases

Now there is a good source of Omega 6 fatty acids

Versions also exist that contain trans fats.

It is said that food industry in many markets

They are used extensively in restaurants.

These are not available in food supply in the market

Their use has been stopped in America

of the Food and Drug Administration

Idarapalli works for public health

FDA insures trans in 2015

Fats from the category of safe fats

Was thrown out but still in Pakistan

Banaspati ghee is not only being sold but

used in mines in big mik

Some trans fats enter the body

Blood causes complications

These heart attacks harden the drains

Increases the risk of stroke type two

diabetes sugar insulin resistance even

Cancer is due to LDL or bad in the body.

Increases cholesterol and HDL

Reduces what is called good cholesterol

Here are the details on cholesterol

It has been discussed in the Post, you must watch it

cause inflammation in the body and some

cause autoimmune diseases in which

Infertility Tendon and Bone Degeneration

Arthritis Osteoporosis these diseases

If you ignore them then you will eat them.

It is absolutely safe when we are trans

If we talk about fats, it partially

Hydrogenated oils come which can be made

Husband says ghee if I take a little of it

Making Process Let me tell you how

If made then unsaturated fat is included in it

Soya oil, corn oil and chip oil are used.

Rance oil is taken and used

goes but the final product is

Banaspati is ghee, its flavor is its texture.

It tastes like artificial colors and flavors

High temperature is changed by putting

It is heated and then a

There comes a stage in which it becomes thick

It is called partially hydrogenated

Its chemistry is being changed in this

and contains trans fats

So when you see a label and

Hydrogenated or even partially

If you see hydrogen, don't buy it.

Crusts used in bakery

making crispy pastries

Bazaar Samosas Pakoras Potato Chips Because

Its smoking point is high and

It is often written that high smoking

point then it will be healthy whereas like this

How can it be that an oil which

Majeed flavors have already caused harm to him

After adding artificial synthetic

It will become healthy after processing

People had also accepted it but now

Awareness has reached homes now

not used but marketable

Still used in mines but

It is important for you to know that if only on 2

Are you also taking trans fats in your diet?

If so, the risk of heart attack is 20 to 35.

Because these trans fats

Become a part of cells after entering the body

Blood vessels become hard to make ghee

These companies claim that

Absolutely safe to eat at 0

There is cholesterol and it is better desi ghee or

from butter or animal fat that is first

It was used for cooking

Banaspati ghee was brought to the place, actually made of ghee.

This was done to increase the shelf life

It can now be stored for a long time

There is no need to keep it in the refrigerator even though

This was not the case with butter and desi ghee.

For this household item in the old days

Butter and ghee were made and as much as

it was used that much, it was used for a long time

Didn't even keep people but for business

Then its shelf life is artificially increased.

One more thing that has been added is that if you

Even goes to fast food restaurant

Even at a regular restaurant

Definitely with eating these trans fats

It will go to the body so cook food at home

Even if you have to go out under compulsion, Etihad

Another loop hole in the industry

That is their definition of zero fats.

Because by law a serving size contains 5

If it contains up to a gram of trans fat then it

Zero trans fats can be written and one

Very few people can stop at the serving size.

For example, you bought a packet of chips.

I bought it in one serving size and it works.

It is 2 tbsp, this is also written on the packet.

It happens that in one serving size you get

Trans fats should not be found while a child

Even if you have this packet of chips in your hand

If we give it, that too on a serving size.

If you won't stop the elder then eat even two packets.

If you can then there is no chance that you will be a

Stop at the serving size now that the entire packet

Trance will end in a big mic

Fats would have gone into the body and here

I just had halwa puri gram sweets halwa

I hope we don't talk about them

This Post will prove beneficial for you

Worst Food for Your Heart

 In this Post I will talk about a great

Skin moisturizer that you can make at home

This is a proven formula.

It was used for a long time

Chemistry which is its chemical composition

Similar to skin's own oil

The oil that comes on the skin is called sebum

Sibes glades make this oil and this

Remedy does not make the skin very oily

Gets absorbed well into the skin

It brings softness and healthy glow.

First let us understand the skin and our body.

It is the largest organ in the world and when something

If it is applied directly on the skin

Enters the body through the liver

Part of the body goes to the left and becomes very ugly.

It's about how people differ

types of chemicals lotions makeup and many more

apply things on skin without understanding

This scrubs the skin and sterilizes it.

increases due to which its sensitivity increases

It itches and turns red.

Becomes dry and the reason for this dryness

The skin receives a signal from it that more

Oil is needed to activate Sybase Glades.

go and start making more oil which

Causes clogged pores and acne

The risk of infection also increases in this

Because sterilizing is present on the skin

Friendly bacteria are eliminated which

First we are preventing this infection

These are protecting the skin

Number of good bacteria and bad bacteria

The bacteria that keep under control

They cause infection

It is very important to understand that any such

Toxic compound cannot be removed from any artificial

Do not apply chemicals on the skin because

On the other hand, these will harm the skin and

On the other hand, the pollution environment is still burning.

The sun is not even clean enough to bathe in.

UV rays are UV radiation directly

Damages skin cells and also

Diet is important, what do you eat?

If you drink too much trans fats in your food

Everything that cannot be eaten is part of the body.

Is made and directly affects the skin

Why do some people go on low fat diet?

Healthy fats are for healthy skin

It is very important because skin protein and

Consists of fat and often people who

Are dieting absolutely fat?

Eliminate even keto from diet

Even on diet, he is taking only protein.

Do not eat fats at all or those people who

eating only plant proteins

As Soy Protein Isolate Plant

Meet your protein intake from sources

Contains no animal protein at all

By eating these, wrinkles appear quickly on the skin.

Skin aging speeds up because

You are not getting enough collagen in this

Protein profile is incomplete

What is missing is very important for skin health.

It is necessary that wrinkles come soon and the old age comes.

Become visible and not just the skin

Hair also withers, overall aging speed

And if you are fond of eating junk food

Junk Foods Ultra Processed Foods These include

Artificial corn sugar is added

MSG is included which is called Chinese

Salt says synthetic corn starch

is included and then all these things

Eaten after deep frying in oil

Refined Cooking Oils Seed Oils

is used which is unstable

These oils penetrate into the cell membrane.

go and stay here for two-three years

Omega Si is Omega Th.

Fish oil is low in Omega 3 oils.

Flax Seed Oil Flax Seeds Chia Seeds

Oil Sesame Oil Walnut Oil Walnut Oil In

All oils are rich in Omegas.

is present in the market in comparison to

Cooking oils are available canola oil corn

Oil Sunflower Oil Safflower Oil Soy Oil

These are highly processed oils.

Due to processing they contain Omega

One less content processing

Solvent Hagen is added and then

Lots of moisturizing Omega Six

Also added to creams when you use them

If applied directly on skin

Due to this the skin gets damaged and dries quickly.

Wrinkles do happen and so does this.

Take care that the skin creams you use

If you are using alcohol in it then

Alcohol not present also dries the skin

Has been cooking for the last 100 years

Use of oils increased by 100% in 16 years

Their use has doubled in even 20 years

I would say that you should use oil for 30 days.

Go detox and try these for 30 days

Remove only these oils from food

To see if there are health benefits

The body changes so much and this is a short

Period of time is not more than one month

Now what is this thing that has to be applied on the skin?

This is beef, tello tello is a Latin word.

In the language it means sebum, sebum, that oil.

which our body produces on the skin

This oil comes from the sebaceous glands.

Comes and this fat does not oxidize the skin

Does not cause inflammation in it

Vitamin A is Vitamin D E's and Seal Seal

A. Retains moisture in the skin

Maintains moisture of skin and keeps it dry

Doesn't let it happen, it looks like coconut oil.

Same thing but different from coconut oil

It does not make the skin greasy and oily

Skin gets softness and healthy glow

comes and there are many such

Contains nutrients that help

To remove dark spots from the skin

Wrinkles that appear

It contains the type of fat that prevents

Saturated Fat Contains Oleic S at 50

Palmitate acid is a very good moisturizer

Stearic acid which softens the skin

which repairs the skin

Eating vegetable oil is Deadlier Than Sugar

 In this Post I will talk about a great

Skin moisturizer that you can make at home

This is a proven formula.

It was used for a long time

Chemistry which is its chemical composition

Similar to skin's own oil

The oil that comes on the skin is called sebum

Sibes glades make this oil and this

Remedy does not make the skin very oily

Gets absorbed well into the skin

It brings softness and healthy glow.

First let us understand the skin and our body.

It is the largest organ in the world and when something

If it is applied directly on the skin

Enters the body through the liver

Part of the body goes to the left and becomes very ugly.

It's about how people differ

types of chemicals lotions makeup and many more

apply things on skin without understanding

This scrubs the skin and sterilizes it.

increases due to which its sensitivity increases

It itches and turns red.

Becomes dry and the reason for this dryness

The skin receives a signal from it that more

Oil is needed to activate Sybase Glades.

go and start making more oil which

Causes clogged pores and acne

The risk of infection also increases in this

Because sterilizing is present on the skin

Friendly bacteria are eliminated which

First we are preventing this infection

These are protecting the skin

Number of good bacteria and bad bacteria

The bacteria that keep under control

They cause infection

It is very important to understand that any such

Toxic compound cannot be removed from any artificial

Do not apply chemicals on the skin because

On the other hand, these will harm the skin and

On the other hand, the pollution environment is still burning.

The sun is not even clean enough to bathe in.

UV rays are UV radiation directly

Damages skin cells and also

Diet is important, what do you eat?

If you drink too much trans fats in your food

Everything that cannot be eaten is part of the body.

Is made and directly affects the skin

Why do some people go on low fat diet?

Healthy fats are for healthy skin

It is very important because skin protein and

Consists of fat and often people who

Are dieting absolutely fat?

Eliminate even keto from diet

Even on diet, he is taking only protein.

Do not eat fats at all or those people who

eating only plant proteins

As Soy Protein Isolate Plant

Meet your protein intake from sources

Contains no animal protein at all

By eating these, wrinkles appear quickly on the skin.

Skin aging speeds up because

You are not getting enough collagen in this

Protein profile is incomplete

What is missing is very important for skin health.

It is necessary that wrinkles come soon and the old age comes.

Become visible and not just the skin

Hair also withers, overall aging speed

And if you are fond of eating junk food

Junk Foods Ultra Processed Foods These include

Artificial corn sugar is added

MSG is included which is called Chinese

Salt says synthetic corn starch

is included and then all these things

Eaten after deep frying in oil

Refined Cooking Oils Seed Oils

is used which is unstable

These oils penetrate into the cell membrane.

go and stay here for two-three years

Omega Si is Omega Th.

Fish oil is low in Omega 3 oils.

Flax Seed Oil Flax Seeds Chia Seeds

Oil Sesame Oil Walnut Oil Walnut Oil In

All oils are rich in Omegas.

is present in the market in comparison to

Cooking oils are available canola oil corn

Oil Sunflower Oil Safflower Oil Soy Oil

These are highly processed oils.

Due to processing they contain Omega

One less content processing

Solvent Hagen is added and then

Lots of moisturizing Omega Six

Also added to creams when you use them

If applied directly on skin

Due to this the skin gets damaged and dries quickly.

Wrinkles do happen and so does this.

Take care that the skin creams you use

If you are using alcohol in it then

Alcohol not present also dries the skin

Has been cooking for the last 100 years

Use of oils increased by 100% in 16 years

Their use has doubled in even 20 years

I would say that you should use oil for 30 days.

Go detox and try these for 30 days

Remove only these oils from food

To see if there are health benefits

The body changes so much and this is a short

Period of time is not more than one month

Now what is this thing that has to be applied on the skin?

This is beef, tello tello is a Latin word.

In the language it means sebum, sebum, that oil.

which our body produces on the skin

This oil comes from the sebaceous glands.

Comes and this fat does not oxidize the skin

Does not cause inflammation in it

Vitamin A is Vitamin D E's and Seal Seal

A. Retains moisture in the skin

Maintains moisture of skin and keeps it dry

Doesn't let it happen, it looks like coconut oil.

Same thing but different from coconut oil

It does not make the skin greasy and oily

Skin gets softness and healthy glow

comes and there are many such

Contains nutrients that help

To remove dark spots from the skin

Wrinkles that appear

It contains the type of fat that prevents

Saturated Fat Contains Oleic S at 50

Palmitate acid is a very good moisturizer

Stearic acid which softens the skin

which repairs the skin

best hand cream for wrinkles and dryness, dry skin under eyes causing wrinkles, dehydrated skin wrinkles, dry face wrinkles, dry skin and wrinkles on face, face cream for wrinkles and dry skin

Best Remedy for Dry Skin and Wrinkles

 In this Post I will talk about leucorrhoea

Let us first understand what Leucorrhoea actually is.

Lafz leucorrhoea baaz aukaat people it

Lucoriya read Lucoriya himself someone

It is not a disease, it means vaginal

discharge in urdu water aana this water

It is called leucorrhoea if its consistency and color

If you don't see any big difference then this

It is absolutely natural and healthy, that is why it is healthy.

That it increases bad bacteria in the vagina

which prevents the evil germs which cause disease

The number of people producing them is small.

Intact prevents vaginal flora from growing

But the color and reputation of this water changed

If there is an underlying UTI urinary

Tract infection or SCD sexually

Transmitted disease or bacterial infection

Hosin is caused by bacterial infection.

Color changes to thick white color or greenish or

turning yellow or red

There is a symptom of infection at this time you should take it

This looks normal should be taken seriously

There is no itching or burning sensation, there is pain.

There is a reason for feeling discomfort.

UTI is a blockage in the urinary tract

The swelling that reaches the kidneys here

entry of bacteria and

Get infected while going out there

Use of Public Washrooms Even Office

college or university washrooms

Regular use is one reason for this if

Took too many antibiotics

Ditch this is also a reason and then there is after that

STDs are sexual infections.

You can also come from your partner if there is any material.

If you have a disease then it will kill you.

Bacterial weight loss can be another reason

In which a special type of disease occurs in the vagina.

increase in the number of bacteria causing

This bacteria normally also goes here

exists but this harm is physical

It goes away when hormonal changes occur in the body.

Another reason for this increase in numbers

Weakening of immunity

The body's strength to fight disease is low or

If hygiene is not taken care of, clothes

Do not get sunlight, cleanliness during periods

If you don't take care of it, it can lead to fungus and

The number of bacteria increases which causes this issue

Causes of itching are bad or even

There is pain which is then an event of UTI.

Infection may increase often in comments

It comes to the point of going to the doctor and getting medicine.

It was fine for some time but again it

The issue started regarding this also

Keep in mind that antibiotics

Reason for antibiotic resistance

The medicine becomes ineffective and it

Antibiotics enter the body and cause harmful effects.

And I can't differentiate between good and bad things.

Due to which the vaginal flora is disturbed

the good diminishes a little after that

Instructions from your primary doctor

It is given that it is also important to implement these

Because the reason for every case is different

These instructions include lifestyle change

More care is taken about cleanliness than before

four to five times daily during periods

Changing pads, exposing clothes to sunlight, if

Fungal infection is to avoid dairy products.

Milk and milk products are the body

Increases estrogen in and estrogen

High levels of this bacteria prevent growth

Triggers this increase in bacteria

Increases the natural sweetness of milk

This is milk sugar, eat this sugar and stay alive

remain artificial after that

Antiseptic soaps available in the market

They are also used in the vaginal area

Bad causes growth of bacteria

Plain water is best for cleaning

Increase frequency more times a day

Use plain water for bathing

Also if there is any body wash or scented soap

If you use it then try this

Use deep cleaning outside as soon as possible

Sugar is another major reason for not having diabetes.

If someone has a mixture of sugar in the whole body

The vein is large and contains blood.

urine or body fluids

There is sugar everywhere and sugar is in this

Eating sugar feeds the bacteria.

Barely alive and nowadays

Prediabetes is very common, bad life

Not exercising because of style

Due to this, sugar remains increased in the blood but

does not increase so much that these people become diabetic

These standing on the border line should be declared

Blood sugar increases and insulin remains high.

Resistance has developed and if

Once this bacteria enters the body,

It doesn't go away until the sugar goes down

If the husband of a married woman happens to be

are diabetic and if they have this bacteria

If this infection is present then ba

It can easily enter a woman's body.

If you are taking birth control pills

If yes, then this also causes increase in estrogen.

This bacteria has higher estrogen levels

Increases immunity to strengthen

Vitamin C rich foods are needed

Must use it these days it's winter Musammi

And if it's malt season, try it daily

Must eat a musammi or malta

Libu water is a great immune booster

Habit of always carrying a water bottle

Add this, hydration will also be correct and

Hydration is very important, not lack of water.

There should be good immunity in the body

A big size water bottle

Add lemon juice. Acidic pH of vagina.

Maintains pH and good acidic pH

To keep bacteria alive

It is important to remove sugar, do not eat sugar

Because these bad guys will still be alive

As long as you keep feeding them

Include probiotic foods in your diet

Garlic is better than garlic with vinegar.

Pickles are excellent antioxidants.

bacteria and

Leukorrhea(Likoria) Prevention Bacterial Vaginosis

 In this Post I will show you a great remedy.

I will tell you which you can make at home.

tartar deposits on teeth due to use

The issue of Tatar yellow will end.

There is a layer of calcium that forms on the teeth.

starts gathering around and in some people

So it goes deep inside the gums

This causes the gums to swell. Medical

In terminology it is called Jinjawa itis.

Bad breath due to gingivitis

Actually, if you bleed while brushing your teeth,

If you look at tartar, it is a little bit like

housing colony made of bacteria

Bacterial bio films are called

And bacteria on 95 similar bio

Keeps them moist by forming films

Sometimes the atmosphere feels like you are in a forest.

Go and find one of the flowing waters there

If you pick up a stone it slips from your hand

There is slime because of this

Biofilms are the presence of biofilms.

Bacteria consider shelter

Baron keeps them safe from danger

biofilms on teeth

bacteria from the body's immune system

The system that saves the body

Protects from this so that it lasts longer

so that we can survive and increase our numbers

Like if you ever go out swimming

So do the floors and walls of swimming pools.

Slime happens if these people use chlorine and

Do not use water purifying chemicals

If you do this then bacteria start growing in them.

And in these biofilms only bacteria

It does not contain fungus, it also contains yeast.

Canned all these little things in a moist place

They like it and their favorite food is

Sugar where they can get sugar and water

When they meet, they settle down and talk about it.

becomes very relevant because what we

Eat Carbohydrates Maida Naan

Pasta, Pizza, Pakora, Samosa, all this

carbohydrates are carbohydrates

This bacteria destroys the sugar present in

used for fermentation and

The waste product formed is lactic

The more acids there are, the more bacteria there are.

The more waste they generate, the more

More acid is formed and this acid then

causes breakage of teeth

Because this acid breaks down calcium

can do most of the teeth

This sabotage is made of calcium

Due to this, teeth get damaged and cavities form.

The remedy I show in this Post

I am going to tell you that it is very effective.

There is a cheap remedy that you can make yourself at home.

It is natural and good for dental hygiene.

cleaning teeth with care and various things

The date of Kadim is very old in Greece.

Honey, salt and seaweed which

These are shells, burn them and teeth with its ashes

This is how archaeologists were cleaned

When the mummies found in ancient Egypt

When examined, these researchers noted this

Did that their teeth in their life itself

The teeth were damaged and the only two things were

And the hair in our body even after death

There are many dihalogens, leading to the conclusion that

The reason for their tooth decay is their diet.

Since the use of beer and bread in

It was too much and both of them contain sugar.

which is the favorite food of these little ones

This was one reason, then these people also brush their teeth.

For by burning the shells and their ashes

They used to brush their teeth and believed that

This helps in cleaning teeth properly.

Romans also burnt ashes and charred bones

used to clean their teeth with

Used to get damaged but this mixture which I

I am going to tell you that it is absolutely safe.

Contains clove oil or cinnamon oil in

Take one of the two and turmeric powder

I use home-ground turmeric.

I am not able to get pure turmeric from the market.

Just a pinch of turmeric is enough

Three drops or oil in container or in force

Take a pinch of turmeric next thing

Hydrogen peroxide in any concentration

Can be taken from nearest pharmacy at 3 pm to 6 pm

You will get 1/4 spoon of this, half is enough.

Half a spoon will not make even 2 AA and

Hydrogen pox id body also makes itself

To kill these bacteria and germs

So if we include any such thing in this mixture

Are not putting what is new to the body or

give a lot of damage and hydrogen peroxide

is a high potency liquid which

Prevents the formation of bacterial biofilms

The next thing is baking soda.

You must be thinking that baking soda

We heard it's good for teeth

No, it spoils the enamel.

The two main layers of the tooth are enamel and

Dentin and dentin lie beneath the enamel.


For how much harm can it cause?

A scale is formed which is called relative dentin.

Abrasive or RDA scale says teeth

of anything used on

The RDA value indicates that the enamel

What is the damage to the layer below?

Will reach and RDA value of baking soda

It is sen while the regular toothpaste is theirs.

If the value is between 70 to 250

The value of baking soda is very high.

Plus it is alkaline in the mouth

These bacteria that are producing acid

Neutralizes them and the body also

Sodium itself to buffer acids

If you make bicarbonate then it will affect your teeth.

It is absolutely safe to use and we have very little

Baking is used in the kitchen

You will also take one fourth teaspoon of soda and

The thing is pure honey, naturally in pure honey

Hydrogen pox is found just care

Avoid honey containing synthetic and chemicals

Take this also, half a teaspoon is enough.

Because we made all this mixture in one

use in bar

Tatar Yellow Teeth